Don't waste your time or time will waste you. (c)
Mirror mirror on the wall
You will further hear no call
Windows dusty curtains drawn
Proud mansion stands alone

Portraits glare from their frames
House-elves bend their severed heads
Yet no sound breaks the dots
Silence reigns and silence rots

Cries and whispers are no more
Wishes cower on the floor
Curses said and words untold
Have no meaning left to hold

Ones who left, who stayed behind
Ones who never changed their mind
Ones who chose to mend their ways
Ones who shattered their fates

Ones who thought they'd never fail
Ones who passed beyond the veil...

Mirror mirror on the wall
Who's the guiltiest of all?

@темы: Harry Potter, music of my soul, творчество, струны души, fanfiction

01.04.2013 в 22:35

"Trust me, I'm an improviser" (c) Owen Harper
01.04.2013 в 23:10

I'm not good at giving advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
Очень атмосферно, мнунра)
02.04.2013 в 00:31

Don't waste your time or time will waste you. (c)
Hali, спасибо!)

Лесной зверёныш, мыыырь, я рада, что понравилось))) Я сама удивилась, оно вышло спонтанно, ну, по крайней мере начало, и как-то даже более складно, чем я ожидала)
02.04.2013 в 23:00

Нам ли быть в печали?
Eleonore Magilinon, здорово! Я унесла к себе. Ты не против?
03.04.2013 в 00:23

Don't waste your time or time will waste you. (c)
хелика, нет, конечно) спасибо!)))))

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